Sunday, February 16, 2025

Blog Post #6 - EOTO Reaction 

A technology that I learned about was the Invention of the iPhone. I found this to be very interesting, considering most people use iPhone on a daily basis, and a good amount of hours in that day. It sparked my attention when presented because of this. I learned that the iPhone was invented in 2007. This was very interesting to me considering I thought iPhones have been around for a decent amount of time longer. I was aware that they were a more recent invention, but I did not know that they weren't around until I was three years old. This was a shock to me. I learned that the features of the iPhone had an impact on people, and was a technological breakthrough. I also learned about the technological advancements, and how it helped simplify communication. The features of the iPhone were that it had a touch screen, videos, calls, texting ability, music, and internet access, which most other phones do not have. Some negatives I learned about were the fact that cyberbullying became more common after the invention of the iPhone, and since most people have one, there is a lack in face-to-face communication, because people have gotten used to using their phone to communicate instead of meeting in person.


 Blog post #5 - Privacy

 An “Electronic tattoo” is very real, and extremely common in affecting people. I have always heard people say “watch what you post, it will always come back to you”, but I never knew the seriousness of it.

How do these issues affect you? Your friends and family?

 This affects everyone who uses social media including me, my family, and my friends. I was unaware for a very long period of time that all of my phone calls were being recorded, without my permission or me even knowing. This is what happens every time we make a phone call, or do quite about anything on our cell phones, whether it is making a phone call, sending a text, or posting on instagram/tik tok. Another example of an “electronic tattoo” is what we choose to put out there. A lot of people have a hard time understanding that once you put something on social media or online, it is there forever. Even if you deleted it, people are able to screenshot it, share it, etc. which can cause permanent damage if it is something that you are not comfortable with being on social media anymore. All of your activity online traces back to you, which is why everyone should be more cautious about what is being put out there.

What should the government be doing about these issues?

I believe that the government should not have access to every single phone call and move we make on our phones, and they should only have access when there is a reason for them to do so. Privacy is important, and something that every person deserves to have. When there is a suspicion, or a crime investigation that is tracked back to someone I believe the government should be able to access information, but only in situations like that. 

What can we do to protect ourselves from invasions of our privacy?

I wish there were more ways to protect ourselves online, but unfortunately there are not many ways for us to prevent the government from listening in on our conversations and watching what we do. Because of this, I feel that it is important that we do as much as we can, as in double checking what you are posting and making sure you are not going to regret it later. Once one person sees it, it can be very hard to take it away and it can follow you for the rest of your life. As of right now being careful is a top priority considering “electronic tattoos” are real.

 Blog Post #4 - EOTO project

For my EOTO project, I studied the VCR, and how it came to be. Charles Ginsburg was the inventor of VCR, and this was the start to a very popular resource. VCR was the first technology that allowed you to watch and be able to record television. It was the most popular to people and very common between the 1990s to the 2000s. It was invented in the 1950s, but until the 1970s it was extremely expensive so not many people were able to afford them or even knew what they were until the price started going down. When it was very expensive so it was rare to have one, some people who did have one would record the television and sell their recordings out of the back of their cars. This became an issue but eventually was resolved and people started to be able to buy their own VCR and VHS devices.

The reason that people loved VCR so much, and was a big breakthrough in technology was because people finally were able to stream television and record what they watched. Before VCR was invented, people basically had no choice on what they could watch, there was not a wide range. Whatever was on the television was what you had to watch. VCR came along and gave more people a variety of what they were able to watch. It also allowed people to be able to buy movies at the store and record television so that they could go back later and re-watch what they watched earlier. The VCR is the machine which plays the tapes. There was a competition between Betamax by Sony and VHS tapes. These are what go inside of the VCR and are played. They were both very popular in the global market at the time. Betamax was very sharp and compact, but VHS was lower priced and you could use longer videos. Because of this VHS ended up winning, and robbing Sony of 40% of its business.

VHS changed how people watched movies and influenced what type of content was produced. This was the rise of direct to video films (movies that are released directly to home video formats, such as DVD or VHS without being released in theaters or on television first.) This led to the uprising in low budget and high creativity productions that had large amounts of people following.

This invention honestly changed our world. Without the discovery of VCR, we would not be where we are today. As of today, VCR is not popular anymore, but instead DVD. The downfall of VCR was in 2003, when DVD was invented. DVD was a better option because of its larger memory space and it was lighter and smaller in size. It was also multifunctional and more advanced. Without VCR we probably would not have led to the invention of the DVD. People were able to enjoy television more ever since the discovery of the VCR, because of its ability to record, and its way of allowing you to watch a greater variety of television and movies.